The news site Hindustan Times reports that popular encrypted messaging app Signal, which has risen to popularity after Facebook’s competing app WhatsApp elicited concern from users after it updated its terms of service and privacy, experienced a service outage on Sunday night.
The news site Blockworks reports that Solana, a proof-of-stake smart contract blockchain, suffered a damaging 10-hour outage which resulted in uncontrollable forking, and had to be resolved with a rushed bug fix.
The news site The Sun reports that on Thursday, 9th September, the popular social media app Instagram went offline for thousands of ‘Instagrammers’ in the UK.
The news site New York City, NY Patch reports that on Sunday 29th August, due to an unprecedented MTA subway system breakdown, half of New York City was left without service and 550 passengers were stranded between stations.
The news site Fox Business reports that ahead of Hurricane Ida’s landfall in New Orleans, police emergency hotline 911 experienced a 30-minute outage due to ‘technical difficulties’.