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Your Funds Are Safe...The Check is in the Mail

“Your funds are safe…” “The check is in the mail…” Everything is under control…until it isn’t.
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You Are the Sunshine of My Life...You Are the Apple of My Eye...Or Are You?

The internet does not care what the market capitalization of your company is.
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If the Digital Services Act Matters, Can Connectivity As a 'Right' Be Far Behind?

In the small hours local time, European Union lawmakers secured a provisional deal on a landmark update to rules for digital services operating in the region — grabbing political agreement after a final late night/early morning of compromise talks on the detail of what is a major retooling of the bloc’s existing ecommerce rulebook.
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What Happens In Vegas...May Actually Have to Stay in Vegas

The famous phrase and its eponymous movie may finally (?) be correct due to a protracted internet outage.
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Were You Slacking Off? Watching Short Videos? Listening to Some Music?

If it was last week and your timing was bad, you were likely not able to do any of those things…
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Fly Me To the Moon...or Anywhere for That Matter!

Last year we published an episode of The Wolfcast with Urs Gubser on which we discussed the ever-growing complexity of interconnected systems and the impact that system outages could have on our day-to-day lives.
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"Danger Will Robinson!" - Micrometeorite Hits a Satellite and Knocks Out Internet Connectivity

Some of these items sound like articles out of The Onion, but fact can sometimes be stranger than fiction.
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It Is More Than Just Frustrated Consumers - WFH Makes Connectivity Outages Potentially Costly

If you are working from home on a deadline and your internet connectivity goes down, it can be more than frustrating…it can be costly as well.
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I Shot the Sheriff, but I Did Not...Shoot the Cable?

When we think about internet outages, we don’t usually imagine bullets going through cables.
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Alexa. Alexa? Alexa!!! Why Aren't You Listening to Me?

I was at a friend’s house for dinner one evening a few years ago and he asked me to go to his wine cellar and get a ‘nice bottle of wine.